Importimport{ notification }from"antd"; |
Sourcecomponents/notification |
When To Use
To display a notification message at any of the four corners of the viewport. Typically it can be used in the following cases:
- A notification with complex content.
- A notification providing a feedback based on the user interaction. Or it may show some details about upcoming steps the user may have to follow.
- A notification that is pushed by the application.
Common props ref:Common props
notification.destroy(key?: String)
The properties of config are as follows:
Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
btn | Customized close button | ReactNode | - | - |
className | Customized CSS class | string | - | - |
closeIcon | Custom close icon | ReactNode | true | 5.7.0: close button will be hidden when setting to null or false |
description | The content of notification box (required) | ReactNode | - | - |
duration | Time in seconds before Notification is closed. When set to 0 or null, it will never be closed automatically | number | 4.5 | - |
showProgress | Show progress bar for auto-closing notification | boolean | 5.18.0 | |
pauseOnHover | keep the timer running or not on hover | boolean | true | 5.18.0 |
icon | Customized icon | ReactNode | - | - |
key | The unique identifier of the Notification | string | - | - |
message | The title of notification box (required) | ReactNode | - | - |
placement | Position of Notification, can be one of top | topLeft | topRight | bottom | bottomLeft | bottomRight | string | topRight | - |
style | Customized inline style | CSSProperties | - | - |
role | The semantics of notification content recognized by screen readers. The default value is alert . When set as the default value, the screen reader will promptly interrupt any ongoing content reading and prioritize the notification content for immediate attention. | alert | status | alert | 5.6.0 |
onClick | Specify a function that will be called when the notification is clicked | function | - | - |
onClose | Trigger when notification closed | function | - | - |
props | An object that can contain data-* , aria-* , or role props, to be put on the notification div . This currently only allows data-testid instead of data-* in TypeScript. See | Object | - | - |
The properties of config are as follows:
Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
bottom | Distance from the bottom of the viewport, when placement is bottom bottomRight or bottomLeft (unit: pixels) | number | 24 | |
closeIcon | Custom close icon | ReactNode | true | 5.7.0: close button will be hidden when setting to null or false |
getContainer | Return the mount node for Notification | () => HTMLNode | () => document.body | |
placement | Position of Notification, can be one of top | topLeft | topRight | bottom | bottomLeft | bottomRight | string | topRight | |
showProgress | Show progress bar for auto-closing notification | boolean | 5.18.0 | |
pauseOnHover | keep the timer running or not on hover | boolean | true | 5.18.0 |
rtl | Whether to enable RTL mode | boolean | false | |
stack | Notifications will be stacked when amount is over threshold | boolean | { threshold: number } | { threshold: 3 } | 5.10.0 |
top | Distance from the top of the viewport, when placement is top topRight or topLeft (unit: pixels) | number | 24 | |
maxCount | Max Notification show, drop oldest if exceed limit | number | - | 4.17.0 |
also provides a global config()
method that can be used for specifying the default options. Once this method is used, all the notification boxes will take into account these globally defined options when displaying.
Global configuration
When you use
for global configuration, the system will automatically start RTL mode by default.(4.3.0+)When you want to use it alone, you can start the RTL mode through the following settings.
notification.config({placement: 'bottomRight',bottom: 50,duration: 3,rtl: true,});
Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
bottom | Distance from the bottom of the viewport, when placement is bottom bottomRight or bottomLeft (unit: pixels) | number | 24 | |
closeIcon | Custom close icon | ReactNode | true | 5.7.0: close button will be hidden when setting to null or false |
duration | Time in seconds before Notification is closed. When set to 0 or null, it will never be closed automatically | number | 4.5 | |
getContainer | Return the mount node for Notification, but still display at fullScreen | () => HTMLNode | () => document.body | |
placement | Position of Notification, can be one of top topLeft topRight bottom bottomLeft bottomRight | string | topRight | |
showProgress | Show progress bar for auto-closing notification | boolean | 5.18.0 | |
pauseOnHover | keep the timer running or not on hover | boolean | true | 5.18.0 |
rtl | Whether to enable RTL mode | boolean | false | |
top | Distance from the top of the viewport, when placement is top topRight or topLeft (unit: pixels) | number | 24 | |
maxCount | Max Notification show, drop oldest if exceed limit | number | - | 4.17.0 |
Design Token
Component TokenHow to use?
Token Name | Description | Type | Default Value |
width | Width of Notification | string | number | 384 |
zIndexPopup | z-index of Notification | number | 2050 |
Global TokenHow to use?
in notification?
Why I can not access context, redux, ConfigProvider antd will dynamic create React instance by ReactDOM.render
when call notification methods. Whose context is different with origin code located context.
When you need context info (like ConfigProvider context), you can use notification.useNotification
to get api
instance and contextHolder
node. And put it in your children:
const [api, contextHolder] = notification.useNotification();return (<Context1.Provider value="Ant">{/* contextHolder is inside Context1 which means api will get value of Context1 */}{contextHolder}<Context2.Provider value="Design">{/* contextHolder is outside Context2 which means api will **not** get value of Context2 */}</Context2.Provider></Context1.Provider>);
Note: You must insert contextHolder
into your children with hooks. You can use origin method if you do not need context connection.
App Package Component can be used to simplify the problem of
and other methods that need to manually implant contextHolder.
How to set static methods prefixCls ?
You can config with ConfigProvider.config